When federal news concerning Medicare happens, stay in the know.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has published the proposed rulemaking for the transition from the RUG-III version 5.12. to the PDPM Nursing Clinical Category. You can view and download the proposal from here;
Pennsylvania Bulletin (
The comment period is open for 30 days.
Optional State Assessment Available for States to use for Payment Purposes
CMS released the Optional State Assessment, OSA, for states to complete information that will allow them time to transition to the current PDPM model by October 2025. This OSA has Data Sets that are necessary for previous types of reimbursement models such as RUG-IV and RUG-III. The OSA information can be found on the CMS Minimum Data Set page at Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual | CMS
CMS Releases FY 2025 Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities
CMS released the Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities; Updates to the Quality Reporting Program and Value-Based Purchasing Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2024.
The proposed rule can be found here
CMS Releases DRAFT MDS 3.0 version 1.20.1
CMS released the DRAFT MDS 3.0 version 1.20.1 late last month in an effort to improve facility's ability to prepare for the changes. . As we review the information, we will create educations on the updates. Please stay tuned for updates and if you are interested in having educations done by Stever Advisors, please contact us.
The DRAFT can be found here